Our Aim Dunmore N.S. is committed to making the information on this website accessible to all, regardless of ability. To this end, we have designed our website to follow guidelines set out by the W3C (the World Wide Web Consortium).
We aim to comply with Level Double-A of the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0. In addition, we have incorporated a number of Triple-A checkpoints to enhance the accessibility of this website.
We will continue to monitor and improve the accessibility of this site. We will also closely monitor developments and changes in accessibility guidelines and general website best practice.
Our Site
This website is designed to be easy to navigate. There are many ways to find the information you are looking for.
Pages are fast to download, regardless of whether you are using broadband or a modem
If your browser or browsing device does not support Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), the information on each page is still readable
You can change font size easily using your browser, inbuilt accessibility tool or using the Text size buttons which appear at the top of all pages. (Please refer to your browser’s Help menu to learn how to re-size text.)
Our Information Irish Language Information on the website is available through the Irish Language in line with our commitments to the promotion of Irish Language in schools.
Document Format
Many of our documents are available in pdf format. You may need to download and install the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software in order to access these documents.
If you have any difficulty downloading or accessing documents published on this site please contact Dunmore National School Accessibility Contacts: If you cannot fully access any information on this website please contact Dunmore National School